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Worth seeing: Vince Musi Taming The Wild

If you got the March issue of National Geographic magazine you've already seen Vince Musi's photographs of domesticated animals; if you didn't, then I'd suggest finding a copy or going here.

What a treat. Each photograph is stunning technically and conveys a quality that is at once incredibly odd and completely natural.

My personal favorite is the bred-to-be-bad rat. It's like a frame out of a Tom and Jerry cartoon, but not.

And to make these types of pictures of animals, oiy. How difficult is that? Extremely. Just try to take such a picture of your cat or dog or your Novosibirsk fox.

Crafting this story required incredible research, patience and craft. Add Vince's photographic voice to the mix and magic happens.

Congratulations to Vince.

Which approach to making pictures is better?

How do you make life better at a newspaper?